


Sustainability is development

A sustainable vision is the underlying approaches with which we proactively deal with changes of a social, environmental and cultural nature

We feel that we have a responsibility that leads us to embrace various fields of action and, for that reason, we believe we are duty-bound to commit and act responsibly by actively participating in the improvement of conditions linked to the environment, products, partners and the education that school can provide

For us at TeKnomast, taking care of the environment does not simply mean complying with the regulations in force, but implementing a sustainability and attention to detail both internally and externally

Since 2011, we have been contributing to the production of electrical energy through a photovoltaic plant able to generate up to 109 Kw – a solution that allowed us to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by around 50 tons

For years, we have been working to optimise and reduce the exploitation of natural resources, particularly water – an increasingly precious asset

The treatment of waste, which is managed and documented in accordance with the mandatory regulations in force, is closely monitored by an internal figure who is responsible for checking that everything is being done correctly

The logistics department implements efficiency policies in its deliveries to guarantee customer service while reducing fuel consumption and the consequent exhaust gas emissions

During all phases involved the purchase and design of machinery, important decisions of a technological nature are made to direct us towards solutions which employ electric motors with low levels of energy consumption

The post-sale service provided by the mechanics department has set up a remote assistance service which allows most technical problems to be resolved quickly without staff having to travel

In a context of continuous evolution, operations have led to the creation of a harmonious development plan thanks to a dovetailing of investments, technologies and institutions

We developed our sustainability plan by pursuing some objectives outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – a plan of action for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of 193 UN member states

Goal 4

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Goal 8

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Goal 12

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Goal 15

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems